• Wattuba, 14km Bombo Road Wakiso District, Uganda.
  • (256) 392-175132

Community Action for Prevention, Treatment and Care of AIDS (CAPTCA) Project

In 2007, with support from USAID through Inter-Religious Council of Uganda (IRCU), IMAU started a project entitled “Community Action for Prevention, Treatment and Care of AIDS (CAPTCA)”.  In this project IMAU trained health professionals and community educators to provide prevention, treatment and care services to clients in Wakiso and Kampala districts.  This included provision of antiretroviral therapy ( ART).  The goal of CAPTCA project is to contribute to lowering the incidence and prevalence of HIV infections and improve the quality of life of people living with HIV AIDS in the targeted districts.

The project is currently supported by CDC through Infectious Diseases Institute (IDI) and the Inter-Religious Bureau Coalition. The project is being implemented in areas of Wakiso District within the catchment area of Saidina Abubakar Islamic Hospital. The project involves outreaches support for HIV services in Health Center IIs in the catchment area, as well as community services supported by religious leaders, local council leaders and other community educators. Key targets and achievements of this project in 2020 are shown in the table below:

Table 1: CAPTCA Project Target Achievements from October 2019 to September 2020

Core Activity Project Activity Breakdown Annual
Target Achieved %
HIV Testing Services  Number of Clients tested for HIV in the Community 4800 4724 98.4 %
Number of Clients tested positive  in the Community 240 192 80%
Number of clients followed-up for partners  elicitation 300 209 69%
Number of key populations KP/PP tested Female Sex Workers (FSW) 120 111 93%
Men  Sex Mem (MSM) 20 0 0%
Psychosocial/spiritual  Adherence  Counselling of Clients


Number of clients in Care Provided with  PHDP interventions 1204 1176 98%
Number of Clients with Unsuppressed Viral Load provided with Adherence Counselling 110 101 92%
Provision of Clinical care including ART services Number of clients provided HIV/AIDS Care 1204 1176 98%
Number of  new clients enrolled into HIV care 204 192 94%
Number started on ART as part of “Test and treat” Strategy(100%) 204 192 94%
Elimination of  Mother to child transmission Number mothers tested for HIV at Maternal Child Health(100%) 300 368 123%
TB/HIV Interventions Number TB new cases  diagnosed 45 32 71%
Number of PLHIV screened for TB by Implementing the  3Is 1,204 1176 98%
Number initiated on TB treatment 45 32 71%
Continuous quality Improvement and data Number of QI meetings conducted with minutes taken 4 4 100%
Number of data review meetings conducted 12 12 100%
Number of  routine facility DQAs 12 12 100%
Number of Clients in-Care entered in the MOH EMR System for ART monitoring 4303 4330 101%
Voluntary Male Medical Circumcisions Number of males tested as -part of MOH minimum of VVMC guidelines 3612 3505 97%
Number of males circumcised and  received TT 3612 3505 97%